Dmt is potent and taking it in such friendly/laid back/information (not sure of the right word?) would be upsetting fo me. I’ve only done it with shamans and even though it has taken to me heaven and hell I’ve always expanded and learned much from the experience.. with the help of shamans who knew how to help me. I’ve been doing ayahuasca for quite a while but my most transformative experience was certainly with dmt. In this experience I felt reborn, there was an internal shift that has never left me (contrary to ayahuasca, where if the person doesn’t focus on integration later, much of the teachings can vanish). I’d only take mdt in a friendly environment now that I already know what I am getting into and what for. Ayahuasca, dmt, rapé, kambo among others are potent medicines if taken in the right setting — especially if the person has other spiritual practices as meditation to support the journey (which is great you seem to have). Although I have other practices, I feel ayahuasca and dmt are shortcuts to states that would take me days in intense breathwork, meditation or dance to reach. But taking them in a kind of recreational way limits so much of what one can take from them… going for them unprepared can indeed bring much distress to the mind. Good you spoke with someone more equipped later :)