I've been struggling with thinning hair for over a decade, I've done so many experimental treatments, and if I can give you some tips… Rogaine is indeed good, research points out that the foam formula is more effective than the liquid one.
One thing that I also found really helps is to do a hair mask with a few essential oils. A carrier oil like coconut oil is needed and then you can add drops of oils such as nettle, mint, rosemary, ylang ylang, lavander, all have been deemed good for the hair. I find this article most helpful to see what oils could be good for you. I do this twice a week. https://essentialoilsanctuary.com/8-essential-oils-for-hair-loss-thinning-hair-alopecia-plus-3-mixtures-application-tips/
Finally, this is a great product:
Other than that, treatments such as laser helmets can work pretty well for healthy hair. I hope it helps, this has been such a traumatic topic in my young adult life… all the best!