Spiritual Growth: How to Work with Me

Got a call to work on the next step of your spiritual progression with me?

© Aline Ra M 2022

I often receive questions from people reading my articles about how to work deeper with spiritual growth. Apart all the tips and practices I share in my writing, my occupation is as a spiritual guide and energy worker, working mostly on 1:1 basis.

Here I disclose a bit more about how to work with me. This article has four sessions:
1 Spiritual Guidance,
2 Healing Sessions,
3 Intro Meeting
4 More on Spiritual Growth.

1 Spiritual Guidance

As a spiritual guide, I work with individuals on a long-term basis. This is important because:

1- Each person has their own path. Having individual meetings makes sure that one's path is honored. It allows me to connect to the Spirit and the guides of that particular person for individual guidance according to where they are and their challenges.

2- Spiritual Growth and Soul Fulfillment are long-term endeavors. Eternal beings that we are, this is an infinite journey of becoming. That means there are no quick fixes. I honor sustainable growth, so one can keep expanding without the…



Aline Ra M | Healer, Coach & Spiritual Teacher

Life's not a hustle: I help you live your purpose with clarity, love & well-being. Watch Free Class 'Live from the Heart': alineram.com/live-from-the-heart